Low Income Support/Boise LIST received $6300 in donations from 2022 Avenues for Hope Housing Challenge. Thank you to all who donated and helped us surpass our goal of $5000!
Your donations will helps us maintain the BoiseLIST.org website. This interactive site has been accessed thousands of times each month to help connect the low income to a specific resource in Boise.
Funds raised will also help us provide specific resources to the homeless community of the Boise area such as cell phones, computers, tablets, bike repairs & locks, and automobile repairs.
Thanks to your support we were able to provide dozens of bike locks to support the homeless at Rhodes Skate park and some recent automobile repairs.

The gentleman in the picture is Al, he had a busted radiator, no money and needed to move his vehicle before it was towed. He was staying at River of Life and trying to get to Salt Lake City from Portland. He had no money and no choices. He was at Corpus Christi Day Shelter and mentioned his story to our office manager Ecco who referred him to Low Income Support. We recruited Orion from Mutual Aid and the next day we got the new radiator installed and the vehicle working – great to get Al on his way!

He was so relieved to have a working vehicle to continue his trip when he had basically no hope the previous day. These are examples of the blessings brought about by your support!